STEM is an acronym that stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. For students whose major is in these fields, an English minor can usefully enhance the study of STEM-focused subjects with valuable, career-ready communication skills, including the following:

  • Analysis and critical examination of diverse communication forms
  • Oral and written communication and argument
  • Use of critical terminology
  • Research methods and document evaluation
  • Critical thinking and analytical reasoning
  • Editing and revising
  • Analytical and evaluative reporting
  • Digital writing and electronic media
  • Audience or customer analysis

The following courses are recommended for an English minor tailored to STEM majors:

ENGL 222 Technical Writing
ENGL 310 Public Speaking
ENGL 321 Persuasive Speech and Writing
ENGL 220 Advance Composition
ENGL 360 Editing and Publishing
ENGL 421 Digital Writing

Keep in mind that these are only examples and suggestions. You are free to take a more "pick and choose" route to your minor in English as long as you keep in mind that many upper-level courses do have prerequisites to consider.