Please return to:

Anthropology Internship Program

Department of Anthropology

G1 McElhaney Hall

Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Indiana, PA 15705

Voice Mail: (724) 357-3935

Fax: (724) 357-7637

To be completed by Internship Site Supervisor:

I. Student's name:


II. Supervisor's signature:









Note: As a frame of reference, when completing this form, compare this student with all others youhave known at the same educational level.

III. Please describe the value of this intern to your organization.







IV. Please evaluate the student's performance during the internship (i.e. ability to communicate, willingness to learn and contribute, adaptation to organizational norms, etc.)







V. Performance Characteristics

(1 = excellent; 2 = very good; 3 = good; 4 = fair; 5 = poor)

1 2 3 4

A. Skills and knowledge necessary for job ___ ___ ___ ___

B. Quality of work done ___ ___ ___ ___

C. Amount of work done ___ ___ ___ ___

D. Reliability in meeting deadlines ___ ___ ___ ___

E. Working relationship with members oforganization sponsoring internship

___ ___ ___ ___

F. Ability to communicate clearly ___ ___ ___ ___

VI. Comments (use additional page if necessary):

This report has been reviewed and discussed with the student: Yes_____No_____

Please return promptly. Thank you.